Tuesday, 29 November 2011

DAY 6_7_8
DATE: 28_11_2011

Object: survey 3D archeological site
The scans imported have been revised and aligned using Faro Scene, first, and the ICP tools of  JRC 3D Reconstructor, later.  The alignment result showed an average error of 1.2 mm that we consider a very high quality result.
Due to the large amount of points and the inability to manage them simultaneously we decided to organise  the point clouds in smaller groups.
Later we show a first viewof a complete model in which only a few points need to be integrated in order to avoid discontinuity.
This area is very important ! It is possible to see, in 3D the entrance step rock of the House of San Peter. That rock has an important cultural but also religious value, for christians, because that entry rock was surely touched by Jesus Christ in the three years he spent living in Cafarnaum.
Today the surveying activities moved  in the area between San Peter's Home and the Synagogue.
Always paying attention to lighting conditions, we planned the data acquisition deviding the ruins of the old town of Cafarnaum in areas. 
At the moment 54 scans were aquired.

Obiettivo: rilievo 3D sito archeologico
Le scansioni importate sono state rielaborate ed allineate ai prestabiliti riferimenti con JRC Reconstructor 3D con un errore medio di 1,2mm, risultato ottimale per il campo di applicazione in questione.
Vista la grande quantità di punti e l'impossibilità di gestirli contemporaneamente abbiamo pensato di eseguire l'edit raggruppando le nuvole in piccoli gruppi.
Le prime visualizzazioni mostrano un modello completo in cui solo pochi punti vanno integrati al fine di evitare discontinuità.
Riprendendo con il lavoro in campagna  si è iniziato il rilievo del quartiere abitativo compreso tra la casa di Pietro e la sinagoga. Sempre prestando attenzione alle condizioni di luminosità abbiamo pianificato l'acquisizione dati, la quale risulterà più dispendiosa in termini di tempo poichè dovrà essere svolta a zone.
Ad ora sono state effettuate 54 scansioni.

A sector of the House of Sant Peter in Cafarnaum

Monday, 28 November 2011

DAY 4_5
DATE: 25_11_2011

Object: survey 3D archeological site
In accordance with our schedule, late yesterday afternoon, we completed the acquisitions of  Sant Peter's house.
The scans are total 117. We have to delete 5 of them for bad quality on the color aquisition.
In the morning we began to import the data using the software FARO SCENE, at which point clouds were stained in a totally automatic.
Later scans were imported into the software JRC 3D Reconstructor.
To manage the large number of file in less time, the work was divided into two projects linked by homologous scans used as fixed points previously aligned.
This phase will require registration at least 2 days to show in its entirety the home of Peter and then evaluate the fullness of data.

Scanning process with Faro Focus 3D, on the ruins of the Sant Peter's Home

Obiettivo: rilievo 3D sito archeologico
Come previsto sulla nostra tabella di marcia, ieri nel tardo pomeriggio abbiamo terminato le acquisizioni della casa di San Pietro.
Le scansioni totali risultano essere 117 a cui ne andranno detratte circa 5 a causa della cattiva presa della camera fotografica dovuta ai problemi di luce.
In mattinata si era iniziata l'importazione dei dati tramite il software SCENE di FARO, con cui le nuvole di punti sono state colorate in modo totalmente automatico.
Successivamente le scansioni sono state importate nel sofware JRC Reconstructor2.
Per poter gestire la notevole mole di dati in minor tempo, il lavoro è stato suddiviso in due progetti legati tra loro da scansioni omologhe utilizzate come punti fissi precedentemente allineati.
Questa fase di registrazione richiederà almeno 2 giorni al fine di visualizzare nella sua totalità la casa di Pietro e valutare successivamente la completezza dei dati.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

What is this? Dining room or an office??

The working day starts early, ends late and no time is lost in the middle...always at work!!!

Friday, 25 November 2011

View of Tiberias from the shore of Capernaum

After a hard day of acquisition began at sunrise, late finish may be pleasantly emotions.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

The Entrance of the Cafarnaum Archeological site

Cafarnaum archeo site !


Look at the 3D Byzantyne mosaic in Cafarnaum. It was the pavement of the ancient Byzantine church.  Image from Zennario (ZegioGroup), laser scanner from University of Brescia - Faro Focus 3D and Gexcel JRC 3D Reconstructor....

3D Byzantine mosaic in Cafarnaum

DAY 2_3
DATE: 23_11_2011

Object: survey 3D of the archeological site
After the reference scans, acquired with resolution to 1/4 with the FARO FOCUS 3D and the firstalignment tests, today we started scanning the Sant Peter's home.
As planned during the inspection with pur professor and the team of Gexcel and of the Custody of Holy Land, we started measuring at the sunrise (7 am), so that the pictures taken by the FOCUS 3D have the colours as homogeneous as possible.
To minimize the hidden parts and follow the best use of discontinuities of materials and the stratifications, in this context we  have been chosen to scan the objects athe the distance of  2 - 3 m meters, placing the instruments  and a different levels, trying to thus obtain a complete model.
At the moment, the scans are 92 and we are starting with the elaboration process with Faro Scene and  JRC 3D Reconstuctor

The Survey of the Sant Peter Home

Obiettivo: rilievo 3D del sito archeologico
Dopo le scansioni di riferimento, acquisite con risoluzione ad 1/4 with the FARO FOCUS 3D ed i primi passi in fase di allineamento si è passati al rilievo della casa di San Pietro.
Come deciso durante il sopralluogo, per ottenere un dato del colore il più possibile omogeneo sulle superfici si è fissata l'ora di inizio delle prese all'alba, in quanto solo in quel momento alcune parti risultano con luce diffusa.
Per ridurre al minimo le parti nascoste e seguire al meglio le discontinuità dei materiali e le stratificazioni, in questo contesto si è optato per l'individuazione di punti di scansione vicini  (max 2-3m) ed a quote differenti, cercando di ottenere così un modello completo.

Ad oggi le scansioni effettuate sono state 92 ed ora ci accingiamo alla loro rielaborazione con  Faro Scene eJRC 3D Reconstuctor

Thursday, 17 November 2011


On the 16th a team composed by Roberto Paderni and Cristian Mantelli (students of the University of Brescia),  by their professor,  Giorgio Vassena (also CEO at Gexcel srl), by the architect Antonella Palmieri and  Lorenzo Cavallari (from gexcel), with the FARO Focus3D laser scanner move to Israel.
In Jerusalem the team is hosted by the Custody of Holy Land at the Hein Karem Sant John Lodge.

Arrived in Hein Karem Lodge ! Hosted here for one night.

The first day we have time form some tests of the FARO FOCUS 3D inside the Hein Karem Church

An outside view of the Hein Karem church

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Training on JRC 3D Reconstructor at University of Brescia

The project starts. The students of the University of Brescia trained to use JRC 3D Reconstructor

Roberto with Massimo of Gexcel's team during training on JRC 3D Reconstuctor

Training !!